GAM Workshop in Flødevigen, Norway

The NorMER node at CEES is organizing a GAM workshop given by Lorenzo Ciannelli between the 22nd and 24th of May.

GAMs are nonparametric regression techniques (i.e. a priori assumptions on the functional relationship between the variables are not needed), and are increasingly being used in ecological analysis, particularly in fisheries.

Lorenzo Ciannelli, Associate Professor at Oregon State University and visiting Norway this spring, is an experienced researcher within fisheries oceanography and marine ecology, and in the use of generalized additive models (GAMs) in ecological research.

The workshop will be held at Flødevigen Marine Research Station, beautifully situated at the Norwegian South Coast, around 4 hours by train from Oslo. The format of the workshop will be lectures in the morning and practical data analysis in the afternoon. It is an advantage if participants already have research questions and a data set to work with, and have some experience in R.


The number of seats is limited, so early booking is preferred.

Housing is available in the area, either at the research station’s own dorms (if the number of participants is small), or a camping site at around 3 km distance.

More information:

Lorenzo Ciannelli’s homepage:

Flødevigen research station:


Contact us for information and subscription!

Published Mar. 19, 2013 3:15 PM - Last modified Mar. 19, 2013 3:42 PM